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Is the Populist Discourse a Lie in Modern Democracies?

By Jorge Mario Soto. This article examines the root causes of populism and the challenges that populism and its rhetoric presents in a...

Does Feminism Have an Image Problem?

By Valeria Raggi. This article analyses the origins and history of feminism and its related theory as essential factors in order to...

The Origins of the Venezuelan Humanitarian Crisis

By Rafael Felipe Pigna Ramirez. This article analyzes the Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela, looking at the origins of the overarching...

Discourse and Power in Development

By Vedika Inamdar. This article examines Arturo Escobar's applications of Michel Foucault's insights on discourse and power to the field...

Can Social Enterprises Encourage Sustainable Development?

By Noah Vetter. This post explores the concept of social enterprises and their ability to encourage sustainable development. Using the...

Sport – A New Frontier for Development?

By Harrison Jordan. This article explores the possibilities of incorporating sports into development programming. It then examines two...

The Market Society: Have We Gone Too Far?

By Stella Brambilla. This article explores how a market economy,  by subordinating society to the laws of the market and by allowing the...

Conceptions of Poverty, Part II

By Vedika Inamdar. The first part of this post examined the liberal conceptions that shape approaches to tackling poverty. Drawing on...

What Shapes Educational Inequality in Mexico?

By Jorge Mario Soto. Mexico has done much to improve its education system over the past 30 years, including decreasing illiteracy rates...

The Problem of Incentivisation in International Aid

By Yoshihiro Takata. The avenue of Baobabs, clear beautiful shiny seas, the island of Lemurs… Madagascar is a land of abundant and...

Does Coffee keep its Producers Poor?

By Micah Sherer. This blogpost explores the trading of coffee as a commodity and its implications for coffee producers. Coffee is...

Developing Perspectives 2018

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